HF Activity Group
QSL reporting for the groupWAS I HEARD? Submit QSL reports to the other hams
Please SELECT the correct Frequency Use this form to submit a QSL report of the stations your heard. These reports are not used for formal QSL confirmations.Please use standard approved QSL services for official confirmations.
What is this page?
- This page allows you to interact with the group when your signal may be weaker, or not being heard. BUT, you can hear the other stations.
- It’s easy to Submit a QSL report for today.
They show up on this QSL report list for just today. Everyone who calls in doesn’t get on this list.
Sometimes when there are 100+ stations on the frequency this QSL report page can help you get your report thru
Pro Tip
- When stations ID on the 10s, enter their signal report! It’s a great way to let others know that they are being heard, even if it’s not your turn.
The list is a guide, propagation rules the order - click for info