HF Activity Group

Instructions for the Group.

The HF Radio Activity Group

We can’t stress this point enough. THIS IS NOT A CONTEST. YOU DON’T GET POINTS FOR GETTING CALLED. THE LIST IS ‘ONLY’ A LIST, THERE IS NO ORDER, THERE IS NO COMPETITION. Being a radio amateur, you know that PROPAGATION orders our actions. This list is a guide that allows moderators to call stations. PROPAGATION decides who is next on the list to be called.

Do I need to login?  
No, moderators login to the site and maintain the list of stations regarding their QSL status. You do however need to enter your callsign in the CHAT when asked. Any users not using a valid callsign in the chat will be banned.

How do I do this?  What is the EXCHANGE?
KEEP IT SHORT. This is a quick report from you. Example, ‘you are 57 in Atlanta’. That’s it.  Since there could be over 100 stations on the frequency, it’s not necessary to give a report that says, “No copy No signal, or Can’t hear him, or no contact.” You might coverup someone who is giving a report. By default, if we don’t hear a report, well then you can’t hear ’em!

Wait? No callsigns? 
Well as long as an Amateur radio station in the USA identifies with their callsign on a particular frequency “EVERY 10 MINUTES”, the legal requirements are met. The moderators will ask “ALL STATIONS ID PLEASE”, so please do so when asked. They use the ONAIR™ – On air Notice And IReminder clock that is on the top of page. It will be RED every 10 minutes, so remember to ID, it’s the law.

Well then,  how do I participate?

  1. Get on the frequency at the indicated times.
  2. Listen first!
  3. Either enter your callsign in this system or,
  4. WAIT for a moderator to ask if anyone would like to join the group today.
  5. When it’s your turn, and you are called by a moderator, “GIVE YOUR CALLSIGN 2 times & and say “WHO HEARS ME?”
  6. Listen for reports like “your are 57 in Atlanta, 56 in Dallas, 54 in New Zealand.”   When propagation is good, you may hear over 30-50 stations return reports to you.
  7. When you don’t hear anymore stations, simply say “Thank you for the reports, back to the moderator.”
  8. A moderator will then move onto the next station in the list.
  9. It’s short, sweet and we don’t exchange callsigns, QSL info, and such. It’s just a propagation report on how your station is being heard.
  10. Need a confirmed contact? State your contact and PLEASE QSY to another frequency so you don’t interfere with the group.


The rules are simple. Have fun!


Keeping track of the number of people that check in to the group each day on different bands is a tremendous task.

Core operating stations called moderators are anchors similar to net control operators in a standard HF net.

Our “moderators” do a fantastic job of keeping a list of candidates who can make a call to the other stations on the frequency who are participating in the activity group.



How can you help? Can I just listen?
Since propagation is different every day, we may not have moderators that can hear the stations that wish to check in. You can help by entering a call sign that you heard (QSL: HRD) on the frequency into this system so that the moderators across the country will know that a station is waiting to check into the group.

Can I enter “MY OWN CALLSIGN”?
In the Amateur radio community this is called self-spotting. But, this is ‘no contest’ and it’s not a net!  WE ENCOURAGE IT!  It’s not required, but you can to add a QSL modifier, like MOB, POR, S/T, QRP, etc.

Why do this anyway?
Now you can see the list as well. If there is a station that you wish to contact, just let the moderators know. They’ll make the frequency quiet and you can make your call to the station that you want to.

Everyone gets a chance to call to all stations.

“This is W3FF in California, who hears me?

Just listen for 5 minutes on the frequencies posted. You’ll get it quickly.

Ever wanted to check a radio or antenna? Sure you do. What ham doesn’t want to check his station. AND, to have stations all over the USA and Internationally, almost every day calling in. Wow.

Isn’t it great to have a dedicated group of Amateur Radio operators for you to call. You bet it is.

We do this because we love radio. We’re just a group of folks who love Ham Radio. That’s it.

Join in the fun, ham it up.

“Current Call List”

This is a sample list

Sample List
1QSL Status info. This is the modifier that shows the status of the callsign.  Tell the MODs if you are I/O. DX IS ALWAYS S/T.
2Band Filter – this is important. This can allow the MODs and you to select the band you wish to be heard on. It allows you (and the MODs) to see a single band when MULTIPLE BANDS are active. This is very critical, because MODs concentrate on a band. If you are not on the list for 17M and on 12M only, the MODs will not see you until 12M is active.
3Callsign including modifiers like /AG, /MM, etc.
4Time of entry in the list
5State, Provence, country abbrev.
6Name from our DB, QRZ.com, FCC, or HamCall


Really, couldn’t you have used other services like Netlogger, DxCluster, ShareLog, Log4OM, HamRadioDeluxe, N1MM, blah, blah,blah??!

Simply put, NO.

This simple web based program does all we need. No fancy logging, because we don’t keep the logs overnight.

My callsign comes up blank?
Contact us, as the FCC and other agencies are constantly updating their records. We will enter your callsign into our database of over 780,000 callsigns.

What about mobile, POTA, low bandwidth connections?
Use the MOBILE link in the menu for a simple page to see the log and enter callsigns. No frills for folks on the go. Yes, it works real good on your desktop and can be scaled down to use.

Got a question? email glenn@W2ADX.net – he created this website.

Turn on your Radio! Make a Call!

Rare glimpse of moderators On Duty!